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Rosia Montana, Skouries and Corcoesto mining conflicts reach Castilla y León next January 4th

Salvemos Cabana Civic Platform ("Save Cabana") will take part in Salamanca in the first seminar about toxic mining in Castilla y León autonomous region ("I Jornada Castellano-Leonesa sobre minería contaminante"). The event, organized by the Association Stop Uranio ("Stop Uranium") and Boada's Town hall (Salamanca, Spain), will be celebrated in the evening of Saturday, the 4th of January in the room of multiple uses from 17:00 to 20.00.

In January, a new seminar about toxic mining in Salamanca
Salvemos Cabana will present the conference: "Rosia Montana, Skouries and Corcoesto: An approach to speculative gold mining in Europe", which will focus on socio-environmental conflicts generated by toxic mining projects that affect Old Continent.

Stop Uranium, as Save Cabana, is a citizen platform registered as non-profit association born with the aim of paralyzing the so-called 'Salamanca Project', that the Australian mining company Berkeley Resources try to open between the spanish provinces of Salamanca and Caceres.


Following the presentation will screen the documentary: "The fool's gold: Memory of gold mining in Costa Rica" ("El oro de los tontos: Memoria de la minería del oro en Costa Rica"), produced by the National University of this mesoamerican country. This production narrates an experience very similar to Corcoesto, which ended with a cancellation ot mining project 'Las Crucitas' by order of the national courts.

At the end of the seminar, a panel discussion on the similarities between mining projects of Edgewater Exploration in Corcoesto and Berkeley Resources in Salamanca, will involve both associations to collaborate in the analysis of context and alternatives.


The open pit mining with toxic substances is an activity of high environmental, social and cultural impact, which is currently the industry that generates more waste worldwide. By definition unsustainable, because exploitation involves depletion.
